Introducing some of our Consulting Team:

BEd, MEd Studies, GradDip Educational Administration,
GradDip Curriculum Administration
David has over forty-three years’ experience in the non-government sector in Anglican, Catholic, Uniting Church and Non-denominational schools in Queensland, Victoria and the Northern Territory. He has spent most of his career in leadership positions in pastoral care, curriculum administration and educational administration as Heads of School, Assistant Principal, and Principal/CEO.
For the last twenty years David has been Principal/CEO of an Australian school that was a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS), a Cambridge International School, and the American Montessori Association. In this school he has implemented a school improvement model from the Principals Centre, Harvard University, that delivered the highest learning outcomes on national, international, and the Northern Territory Certificate of Education level.
David has been actively involved in international schools in Asia including regular school visits, and he has assisted the development of a new international school in Muscat, Oman. He has been active in the CIS schools system and trained as a CIS School Accreditation Member participating in several school accreditation visits.
David has been an active member of many peak education bodies including the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (of which he is a Fellow), Australian College of Educators (of which he is a Life Member) and maintains membership of these groups. He has represented his State on the national Board of these associations. David has also been active and held positions of responsibility on the Northern Territory Association of Independent Schools (AISNT), Australian Primary Principals Association, Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA), and the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET). He has been a member of numerous State and national Government advisory bodies including being a long-time member of the Northern Territory Board of Studies. David has and continues to hold Director positions on Boards and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).
David is passionate about high quality educational outcomes at an international level, and maximizing the opportunities for all students in their schools.

BED; Grad Dip
Education Administration
A high level of competence as an innovative Educational and Professional Leader has been recognised and demonstrated throughout Helen’s career in schools and office positions. Successful leadership has been demonstrated in promotional positions and in the principalship for 30 plus years in the Private, Independent and Public School Systems in two different states of Australia. Helen has worked in leadership and Consultancy positions at all levels of schooling; Middle school, Primary School, Preschool and ChildCare. Helen has held positions at system level in Staffing and the Early Childhood Advisory area.
Helen trained as a Teacher Tutor in several areas: Behaviour Management, First Steps, Implementing the English Curriculum and delivered courses to many Private, Catholic and Public Schools across the Northern Territory. Helen has also trained as a Gifted and Talented Education teacher trainer and delivered several courses to private schools.
For the last ten years Helen has been a consultant at a Private Non-Denominational Parent run Australian school that was a registered Cambridge International School, a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS) and a member of the American Montessori Association.
Helen has trained in International Baccalaureate (IB) School Accreditation. She has assisted schools prepare for school system reviews and for CIS accreditation. While in England on an exchange, Helen trained as an IIP accreditor for the internationally accredited IIP (Investors in People) program. Helen is a trained Mediator and has undertaken Coaching inservices.
She has been an active member of many peak education bodies including the Australian Council of Educational Leaders. She has held positions of responsibility in several organisations including, The Assistant Principals Association, The NT Principals Association and ACEL NT Branch. Helen has been a member of numerous advisory bodies at system level including membership of Course Advisory Committees for Accreditation of Doctorate of Teaching and Masters of Education Courses at University, membership of the Health and Safety Steering Committee, representative on the Human Resources committee, representative on Principal Performance Management Committee, and a nominated member of the Northern Territory Board of Studies.
Her specific interest areas include Data Informed Schooling, Strategic Planning, Professional Development, Information Technology, Middle Years of Schooling, Behaviour Management, catering for Children with Special Needs including Gifted and Talented.
Helen is keen to support high quality educational outcomes for all students.

Dr Gregory Clarke Education Consultant
Gregory is a highly experienced education consultant with an extensive background in both the secondary and tertiary education sectors, including in curriculum and Science/STEM curriculum. His doctoral studies related to middle years schooling and online learning.
Gregory has held education leadership positions as CEO and Head of School in both Australia and Hong Kong, responsible for oversight of significant budgets, production of strategic plans and business plans and business development activities.
In recent years, Gregory has undertaken a series of consultancies for clients including: Monash University; RMIT University; TAIF University Saudi Arabia; The Essington International School Darwin; AMCO Migration Services; a Hong Kong based consortium of business people intending to establish an international school; and, Marsden Jacob Associates.
Success in these consultancies has relied upon his skills in stakeholder consultation; strategic and business planning; governance and leadership modelling; course and staffing ratio analysis; and, project management.
Gregory has a high level understanding of the education sector in Australia.

Michael Bradley
BA (Hons), Cert Ed, M Ed Studies,
Train the Trainer Cert, JP (Qual).
Michael completed his secondary teaching training in the UK and then moved to Victoria to teach. He moved to Northern Territory and for 26 years worked as a Teacher, Deputy Principal, Principal, Curriculum Development Officer (for all year levels), and part time Tertiary Lecturer and Tutor. These roles allowed him to visit school sites throughout the Northern Territory. Whilst in the Northern Territory, he gained a Fulbright Hays Award and worked for ten months with the Texas Education Department and US Department of Education as a Foreign Curriculum Consultant.
Michael gained a position as a College (Years 11-12) Principal and General Manager in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Whilst there, he was part of a review of the college system, and for a time was in the head office of the Department of Education with responsibility for half of its’ schools. After Canberra Michael was recruited by a major education international company to be a Director of International Schools (P-12) in Amman, Jordan and Muscat Oman. He also undertook recruitment of teachers for the Company’s schools and Public Private Project. Michael was then invited to join another company as the major consultant in establishing a new international school (P-12) and system in Muscat Oman. Following the establishment of the school, he returned to Australia where he now resides north of Brisbane.
Michael has written extensively with 43 papers published in Australia and overseas, held 5 editorial positions, presented widely including in Australia, UK, USA, South Africa, India, Slovakia, UAE, Middle East for both government and private sectors. He has been a consultant to numerous groups and on educational issues in Australia and overseas. He has held leadership positions in professional organisations. Michael has been involved in varied education projects such as school and system reviews, the development of professional standards, staff appraisal systems, Vocational Education Training, senior secondary curriculum renewal, linking sectors (and across international boundaries), school structures and organisation, Middle Schooling, staff recruitment and international schooling.
During his 41 years in education Michael has been at the fore of innovative practices, and supporting and implementing programs that ‘work’ in creating the best outcomes for all students.

Ralph Pirozzo Consultant
Ralph was extremely fortunate to complete his high school and university education at three outstanding educational facilities; Riverdale Collegiate Institute, the University of Toronto and Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada.
Ralph has a deep commitment to providing every student with the most engaging and challenging learning environment in our classrooms. Ralph’s passion and commitment has been demonstrated in the various teaching and administrative positions that he has held in Australia and in Canada: Instructor, Teacher, Head of Remedial Education, Head of Science, Regional Gifted and Talented Consultant, Head of Curriculum, and Director of Development and Managing Director.
In March 1997 Ralph founded Promoting Learning International as a totally independent educational consultancy so that he could devote his time, energy and passion to the enhancement of children’s learning anywhere in the world. To date he has worked with more than 1000 schools and with more than 20000 primary and secondary teachers in Australia, Canada, China, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK.
Ralph’s professional memberships include the Australian College of Education, the Australian Council of Educational Leaders, and the Support Teachers’ Association of Queensland. He is currently the Founder and Managing Director of Promoting Learning International. He is a prolific writer of educational publications and these are available for purchase on the International Education Institute Australia (IEIA) website.

Mark Campling
Educational and Leadership Consultant
Mark Campling is presently an educational and leadership consultant whose focus is on "Tailoring Leadership and Coaching Programs to Meet Your Needs".
Mark offers coaching programs, and can lead strategic planning or review processes. He also runs programs in team building and group dynamic. He is experienced in high level report writing, and is also a trained mediator and quality auditor. Mark is also an experienced and trained Board Director.
Mark retired from the position of Regional Director of Metropolitan Education Region in March 2018. He has over three decades of Principal and Executive Leadership experience across a diverse range of schools and regions in Queensland. Mark was appointed Regional Director in the Queensland Department of Education in 2014, after five years as Assistant Director-General, State Schools – Performance. He has more than 20 years’ experience as a Principal in primary, secondary and P-12 Government schools across Queensland.
As Regional Director of Education in Queensland, Mark led significant improvements across his Region. He believes the key to success is a strong positive culture and a clear vision supported by evidenced based strategies implemented with precision.
As a senior leader, Mark oversaw the Queensland-wide delivery of the Curriculum into the Classroom project, Teaching and Learning Audits, and the establishment of headline indicators. He led many aspects of National Partnership Agreements and the introduction of Independent Public Schools in to Queensland Government Schools.
Mark’s motto has always been “If better is possible… Good is not enough.”
Mark was awarded Life Membership into the Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP) in 2010 and currently serves as an Executive Member of the Queensland branch of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL). In 2018 he was awarded a National Fellowship with ACEL which was preceded by a Queensland State Fellowship in 2017.
He is a trained International Schools Accreditor, has previously been recognised as the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) Manager of the Year, and was also awarded The John Laing Professional Development Award in 2009.

Denise Paech Consultant
Denise Paech helps others to become the leader they choose to be, so they can be authentic and at ease in whatever leadership role they take on. She knows that developing the confidence and competence of everyone to step into leadership is the key to making strong, vibrant, and sustainable organisations, families, and individuals.
Many organisations and individuals invest a lot of time and money in continually exploring new ideas in leadership and self-development. Yet the return on this investment is notoriously low. Through coaching, training, and consulting, Denise supports individuals and groups through the more challenging journey of turning theory into practice in their own leadership arena, wherever that is in the world.
Denise is credentialed as Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation. Her practice is underpinned by extensive work with a wide range of government agencies, businesses, schools and educational organisations, and individuals. She has substantial experience as a senior executive, business manager, consultant, and coach. Her voluntary leadership has included being President of a community-based child care centre, seven years as a Director of an independent school, including three years as Chair of the Board, and as an executive member of an independent schools association.

Hector Costella
B.A., Grad Dip. T., M. Ed. St. (Guidance and Counselling), Grad. Dip. Th
Hector Costello has been involved in education for around 38 years. During 36 years of full-time teaching, Hector was involved in both the public and private sectors, including 11 years as a Principal of an independent K-12 school. Prior to this Hector had experience as a classroom secondary humanities teacher, Head of Department, Head of Senior School and Deputy Principal.
In addition to this, Hector is a qualified Guidance Officer and was involved with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) as a District Review Panel Chair, and a Queensland Core Skills Test marker. Since stepping out of a full-time Principal’s role, Hector has been a consultant to a number of schools in curriculum development, policy and governance, and is now serving on the Board of two of these schools.
Hector also is currently employed on a casual basis as a sessional lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Humanities at Central Queensland University. During his time as a Principal, Hector served as a member of the School Board. During this time in this dual role, he developed a real understanding of the importance of the Board/Executive relationship for the healthy functioning of an independent school. Hector has a real passion in helping schools develop this relationship.
Dr. Sean Mangan Senior Consultant
Dr. Sean Mangan is a highly experienced and dedicated educator with strategic leadership experience across the education sector. As a lifelong learner, he has a particular interest in whole school improvement focusing on high performing teams, teacher and leader development and student academic and wellbeing outcomes. He has broad experience in leading schools with continuous improvement through evidence-based learning, contemporary pedagogies and data analysis to measure impact.
Sean has held several senior leadership positions including three Principal positions with Reception/Preparatory-Year 12 Catholic/Independent schools (three having co-educational ELCs). He has over 30 years of exceptional teaching experience across Catholic and Independent sectors (all R-12 schools with three being Early Learning -12) including the development of supportive pastoral care/wellbeing programs, considered decision making and inclusive leadership skills, along with four years working for the Catholic Education Office in Adelaide. In Adelaide he worked as a Senior Education Advisor (Data Analyst) and Senior Curriculum Implementation Officer for the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) Board.
Sean’s first teaching degree was a Bachelor of Education from the University of Melbourne. He is a trained Mathematics and Information Technology Teacher and was nominated early in his career through the National Teaching in Excellent Awards for Teacher Excellence. He now holds a Doctor of Education from the University of Adelaide, a Master of Education from Deakin University, a Graduate Certificate in Catholic Education from University of South Australia and more recently, a Master of Business Administration from Torrens University. He has worked in Victoria, South Australia and Queensland and brings a strong skillset in strategic planning, school leadership structures and operationalising school Annual Improvement Plans.
Sean was recently the President of the Secondary Principal’s Association across the region he worked. He is currently studying to be an accredited Leadership Coach through the Queensland Education Leadership Institute.